Friday, 7 November 2014

Interior Design

"You have been asked to design the interior of a room in the Daddy Long Legs Art Hotel, choose an unique theme and build a model of your design."

The theme I chose for my room was Adventure Awaits. I wanted to create a space for adventurous travellers to experience an interactive room in the heart of Cape Town. I used line as the primary motive in my design, the repetition thereof creates rhythm and the illusion of height and freedom. I used zebra prints to incorporate an Africa theme.

The furniture is interactive and playful. Three sleeping spots are hidden, the room is thus suitable for 1 to 4 visitors. Another interactive element is the Map Wall. Each visitor is encouraged to pin the location on the map of where he/she is from. Therefore the room builds character with every visitor.


final product - front view

I used ice cream sticks for the floor. For the rest I used carton and paper-maché.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Light design

This task was so create and make a lamp shade
The theme: celebrating 20 years of democracy

I wanted to portray the theme by using contrasting materials that should not fit together, but just do. Like democracy - different people, contrasting people, living together in harmony.

For the final product I braided straws and rope into mesh. Colouring the rope by soaking it in tea. It took hours, but looked nice in the end. I also braided rope around the electrical cord.

Monday, 6 October 2014

Term 2_Design that makes a difference.

For this project we had to choose a global problem (hunger, education, pollution) and design a solution to help solve the problem. We then had to choose a design category (visual, product, surface) to design in.

The global problems that I chose were Education and Pollution.


I wanted to design a product that is available to anyone and can be used by anyone, not just for the poor or the rich.

I decided to design an inexpensive booklet that can be bought or handed out. This booklet shows you step by step how to create a playground from easily found recycled materials. By recycling we are stopping pollution, by building your children this playground you teach the younger generation about recycling and playing is a very effective form of education. Thus attempting to make the world a better place by simply having fun. The booklet is designed to be a colouring in book as well, making it ever more fun and educational.

I also designed a logo and the illustrations for the booklet. After that I built the tyre see-saw, following the booklets instructions.

logo design options

I decided on the name Urban Play for the product.

Final Logo
a cool slogan then came to mind:


the booklet

The See-Saw:

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

2015 - Font Design

Our first term project of 2014 was to design a font. We were told to choose an inspiration and experiment with different ways of creating letters. I chose dance as my inspiration because, at least for me, it is one of the most beautiful forms of expression.

I experimented with different poses to best portray the letters. Finally I asked two of my friends to be my models, a gymnast and a ballet dancer.

experimenting phase



I called the font: LetHER Dance

LetHER Dance


Sunday, 3 November 2013

Term 4 - Logo design

The possibility that one of your designs could be painted on your schools graffiti wall was quite a motivator for this project ;)

Just to explain the big picture: our school did a series of discussions about the following character building words:  caring, trustworthy, respectful, citizen, responsible, fair.
For this project we now had to design a logo for one of these words. Our art teachers are now going to choose some of our logos to paint onto our schools new graffiti wall. (To promote character building in a fun way.)
collecting fonts
I just used the word design to experiment with different fonts.

Our teacher then told us what our word is - I got "Respect" and these are some of the symbols that I linked to the word and wanted to add to my logo:

the clenched fist
if you want you can check out a brief history of the clenched fist and see why this symbol linked well with respect (for ages it has been used as a symbol of defiance against violence) and to me, if you handle a situation without violence, you show respect towards someone.

I then experimented with different font concepts, trying to portray the concepts of respect as clearly as possible. while keeping in mind the elements and principals of design , the gestalt principles and creative triggers.

These were my four final Logo options:

This is my final design :) respect in the form of the clenched fist.

abstract art

Abstract ideas portrayed visually. This project was a short one, but still required a lot of planning, brainstorming, trail&error.

We were given three sounds situations that we had to choose two from to portray visually by using only circles, squares and lines. These elements were printed out for us so we had to cut, arrange and paste them to portray two of these sounds: noise, silence or harmony.

After doing some brainstorming I decided to use all three sounds in such a way that they work together to portray the situations. 

These were my three final compositions  the one above is Slience and the situation is "sweet sleep"- the peacefullness of slumbering in. [there is a white page between the above composition and the one below.]
This image (above) is Noise & the situation - "Noise and craziness of our everyday life " - busy days, crazy due dates and massive work loads.

[when you then remove the white page between silence an noise, you get.. harmony!] so this is harmony :) the situation is: "my happy place" - the time of day when you just calm down and relax, e.g listening to music.