Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Term 3 - chair design

This project was quite a challenging one. But then again, what is design without the challenges? The assignment was to build a model chair (using ONLY cardboard, no glue, tape or any other materials) that can fold up and down.
We also had to connect our chair concept to “World Design Capital Cape Town 2014

collecting info & brainstorming
This reminded me of this “Seeds Of Truth” project I heard of – an amazing concept of which the purpose is to help people reduce their carbon footprint.
So I decided to take that approach to this project – how can a simple chair have a positive impact on consumers?



My final concept was to build a camping chair that come with seeds that families can plant at each camping site they visit – kind of like a ‘I Was Here’ that you can leave behind, and in the proses also improve the earths well being. The chairs decoration then also supports this concept.

The pipe looking parts slides into the back part of the chair - the back can then also be adjusted. I weaved the seat parts together with paper.
and TA DA! a nifty camping chair that will hopefully have an even greater purpose than having a comfy seat when roasting marshmallows.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Term 2 - Jewelry design

Our project this term was to make a series of broaches that are nature-inspired. We had to make three broaches.. one out of paper, one out of metal and another out of plastic. I decided that my series would be inspired by “from the seed to the flower to a sunbird” - like the cycle of nature.


For the plastic broach I used beads, plastic bags and a milk bottle.
The paper design is made out of old book's papers and the metal broach from old necklace chains, metal beads and wire.
visual diary
 I found inspiration in the sunbirds shape, the sprouting of seeds and the beautiful shape of a flower.
Final products


model: Sune Hannekom

Term 1 - The icebreaker

The project was about designing and building an abstract sculpture that portrays an emotion.

The emotion that I chose to portray was ecstasy. I used colourful straws to build my sculpture and also for making patterns to decorate the sides of the sculpture. I taped the layers of straws together with tape and used aluminium foil in between the layers to help the straws keep their form.

The colourful, bright straws and the repeating patterns contribute to the feeling of ecstasy and excitement.

visual diary pages & final product

  •  straws, straws & more straws!

  •  the final sculpture